Looks like the Noble M600 www.autoviva.com/news/noble_reveals_pictures_and_specs_of_m600/899
31.01.2011 @ 19:08You're probably right. I just found out that the Tommy Kaira ZZ2 doesn't have a rear window. How could I miss that. Ahh!
31.01.2011 @ 21:54Wait, wait. I got this picture 6 months ago. It maybe an older model, or maybe it's a ZZ2 with a rear window! ;)
31.01.2011 @ 21:56The Noble M600 prototype was out more than one year ago (I think). Top gear tested it on season 15. That can explain why you've had the picture for 6 months now =)
01.02.2011 @ 10:44Yeah, that's correct. Checkout this video from 1 year ago: www.youtube.com/watch
01.02.2011 @ 13:05Wow, swing and a miss for me!
01.02.2011 @ 16:34Muuuhahahahaha. Two strikes left (kidding!) lol
01.02.2011 @ 16:40Male, 31
Location: SanAntonio,
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