Brighten Your Weekend

Car Videos to Brighten Your Weekend: The Automotive Commercial Edition

Car Videos to Brighten Your Weekend: The Automotive Commercial Edition

This weekend is the Super Bowl in the US. It is the biggest television event of the year and means new, expensive commericals. To celebrate the event, this week's theme is cool car commercial of the past. This list is to conclusive. I just cho...
03.02.2012 | 3422 views | 3 comments
Brighten Your Weekend: Here are Some Fabulous Car Sounds

Brighten Your Weekend: Here are Some Fabulous Car Sounds

Fridays are often slow days for automotive news. The automakers do not want to release a press release on a day when most people are looking forward to the weekend. But we want to improve your weekend, here at Autoviva. So we have complied a small...
28.10.2011 | 12201 views | 5 comments


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