Driving Advice

Advice: Be safe on your daily commute

Advice: Be safe on your daily commute

A few tips to make sure you get to work safe and sound

Daily commutes can be stressful especially because most people like to sleep in as much as possible and then leave at the last minute. This leads to rushing, passing, sudden breaking and that can result in accidents and higher fuel consumption. ...
02.08.2013 | 38364 views | 0 comments
The 10 most dangerous things one can do while driving

The 10 most dangerous things one can do while driving

While driving keep your eyes and attention on the road

As the years go by people get more and more comfortable at the wheel and start developing habits that can be unsafe. The volume on the radio goes up, the rearview mirror is not checked as often and both hands don't get to be used at the same t...
21.05.2013 | 25613 views | 0 comments
Fuel Saving Advice

Fuel Saving Advice

Tips to keep your fuel costs low

With fuel costs fluctuating on a daily basis and with the general trend pointing upwards, drivers feel the need to reduce their overall fuel consumption to keep the costs under control. Of course, this starts already with the car you opt to bu...
10.05.2013 | 24936 views | 0 comments
10 great driving destinations in the snow

10 great driving destinations in the snow

It's a bit miserable at this time of year. We get in the car for the morning's drive to work and we're immediately faced with an icy windscreen and a steering wheel that would make Father Christmas shiver. So, there are two options, on...
17.01.2013 | 29334 views | 0 comments
Driving advice: Driving in the snow

Driving advice: Driving in the snow

If you go on a trackday the first thing that any racing driver or instructor will tell you to do is invest some money in your own skill set…not the car’s. That said I’ll let you in one car mod that will make all the differen...
03.01.2013 | 14024 views | 0 comments
Investment cars: Up to £100,000

Investment cars: Up to £100,000

12 cylinder Ferraris are a minefield, it would be wrong of me to claim otherwise. That said, if you find the right one then you’ll also find them to be some of the most rewarding and ultimately satisfying cars on the market. Take the new...
23.11.2012 | 32765 views | 0 comments
Cars for young drivers: Old cars…

Cars for young drivers: Old cars…

Today I picked up my old MG Midget. It’s getting on a bit, having left the factory in 1966 but it still made for an interesting drive home, even if I wished it was sunny. That drive and the process of insuring it from the night before ga...
23.11.2012 | 23194 views | 0 comments
Autumn driving tips

Autumn driving tips

As we officially wave our good-byes to another summer, it is time to prepare car and driver for the autumn that lies ahead. As the summer on the road has its challenges, the autumn requires some attention too. As the days grow shorter, the dar...
23.11.2012 | 14668 views | 0 comments
Advice: The Holiday Check-List For Your Car

Advice: The Holiday Check-List For Your Car

It is holiday-time, time to pack the car and hit the road for a couple of weeks, escaping the treadmill of our daily routines and worries. To make the trip as relaxing as it should be, it is important to check a couple of things regarding your...
23.11.2012 | 48303 views | 1 comments
Advice: Driving in the Rain

Advice: Driving in the Rain

With autumn comes rain and stormy weather. When hitting the road at this time of year, drivers should be particularly aware and follow some rules in order to avoid putting their own safety and that of others at risk. Heavy rain can occur f...
23.11.2012 | 14372 views | 0 comments


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