Driving Advice

Advice: How to pack your car

Advice: How to pack your car

The weekend is here and for many of us this means packing our things into the car and hitting the road for a two-day trip, be it home to the parents from your university or work town, visiting friends or an adventure trip. And even though we a...
23.11.2012 | 4910 views | 0 comments
Advice: Driving Safely with a Baby on Board

Advice: Driving Safely with a Baby on Board

Driving the car is a big responsibility, even more so if you are a parent. In the daily routine of chauffeuring around the family flock and friend entourage between kindergarten, school and afternoon activities, it is important to stick to some fu...
23.11.2012 | 4747 views | 0 comments
Advice: Be aware of the darkness

Advice: Be aware of the darkness

As we turn our clocks back one hour, this is the sign that winter time has finally arrived and along with it the short days and long dark nights. When the sunlight makes itself scarce, divers have to turn on the headlights instead. With the twilig...
23.11.2012 | 4667 views | 0 comments
Advice: Driving in foggy situations

Advice: Driving in foggy situations

Here are some tips on how to behave when there is fog on the road

For some people fog can be one of the scariest things to drive in, especially if you're unfamiliar with it. This dense "cloud bank" that rests on the ground may remind you of Avalon and the Knights of King Arthur legends but if you a...
23.11.2012 | 12140 views | 0 comments
Driving Advice: How to road test a car

Driving Advice: How to road test a car

Everything you need to keep in mind when taking a car to the road for a test drive

So, you’ve identified the car you fancy buying and you want to work out whether it is in fact the car for you, or maybe you are a budding road tester and want to understand how to assess a vehicle…but how do you do it? It is all t...
14.11.2012 | 10648 views | 0 comments
Making the most of your fuel

Making the most of your fuel

Most people won’t have failed to notice the hike in fuel prices over the last few years, the question is: what can you do to stifle the rise in your monthly fuel expenditure? I have seen, with some bemusement, huge numbers of people rush...
24.09.2012 | 4790 views | 0 comments


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