14 results for marathon

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(1979, 5736cc, 162hp, 4 doors, Saloon (sedan) )
encyclopedia > Checker > Marathon > Version55 specs
model - (United States of America, 1961-1982)
encyclopedia > Checker > model6 versions
Fiesta Diesel Wins MPG Marathon with 108.78mpg
2012-10-09 15:22:02 A Ford Fiesta ECOnetic 1.6 TDCI won the annual ALD Automotive/Shell FuelSave MPG Marath...
news > news2 photos
BMW i3 Begins Production in Leipzig and Will Lead Berlin Marathon
2013-09-20 14:35:28 The first, production-ready BMW i3’s are leaving the company&rsquo...
news > green4 photos
Lewis Hamilton Sees Mercedes as Marathon, Rather Than Sprint
2013-01-29 18:43:45 Lewis Hamilton says that he considers his new season at Mercedes to be a marathon, rather than a...
news > motorsport3 photos