50 results for supercars

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(2005, 6257cc, 921hp, 2 doors, Fixed-head coupé)
encyclopedia > Shelby SuperCars > Aero > Version57 specs
Hulme Supercars Ltd was created in New Zealand, in 2005,  by James (Jock) Freemantle, supported by a group of a...
encyclopedia > make2 models  |  8 photos  |  1 videos
encyclopedia > Mercedes-Benz > E-Class Gen.5 > Version
Trion Supercars was founded in 2012 in California, United States. The company's goal is to produce supercars for...
encyclopedia > make1 models  |  7 photos
Compare the segment: Supercars
2013-02-23 14:23:01 It beggars belief how competitive the junior supercar market has become nowadays. Ferrari ...
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Dubai Police Adds More Supercars to Its Patrol Car Fleet
2013-11-05 17:43:04 The Dubai Police is already confirmed to own a Ford Mustang, {TOOLTIP|SERIES|5409|Chevrolet Ca...
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Defend Your Favorite: Supercars are Boring
2011-08-21 18:11:37 This weekend thousands of very rich men and their very bored wives congregated in Monterey, California, to worship at t...
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Green Supercars Attempt to Make Efficiency Sexy
2012-10-01 15:51:03 A trend has been building over the last several years in the automotive industry. At nearly every auto show in recen...
news > green1 photos
Ferrari Celebrates Its Supercars in New Exhbition
2013-03-12 12:06:00 Ferrari is very proud of their new supercar - the LaFerrari. To celebrat...
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High End Luxury and Supercars Being Shown at MGM Grand Detroit for NAIAS
2012-01-03 13:04:47 Here is a story of exclusivity to the detriment of your company. The Gallery at the MGM Grand Detroit for will host ...
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Nissan Unveils Altima V8 for Australian V8 Supercars
2012-10-30 15:23:10 Nissan has revealed the Altima V8 Supercar that will race in next season&#...
news > motorsport2 photos