14 results for sports in Makes

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Strathcarron Sports Cars plc was funded by  Lord Strathcarron in Bedfordshire, U.K., in 1996 to build lightweig...
encyclopedia > make1 models
  The Farboud car company was formed in 2004 to produce exotic automobiles. The British carmaker had its n...
encyclopedia > make1 models
Quantum Sports Cars was established in 1987 by Mark and Harvey Wooldridge. The company is dedicated to building kit ...
encyclopedia > make2 models  |  1 photos
The Walsh car company Gilbern was set up in 1959 and produced its vehicles until it faced bankruptcy in 1973. The Gi...
encyclopedia > make3 models
Turner produced sports cars from 1949 to 1966. Jack Turner, the founder of the company, wanted to produce affordable...
encyclopedia > make7 models