39 results for vitesse

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model - (United Kingdom, 1962-1971)
encyclopedia > Triumph > model2 series
(1994, 1994cc, 200hp, 4 doors, Saloon (sedan) )
encyclopedia > Rover > 800 Series > Version67 specs
Bugatti Grand Sport Vitesse is the Most Powerful Convertible Ever
2012-02-22 16:33:07 The most powerful convertible ever is coming to the Geneva Motor Show. The Bugatti Grand Sport Vitesse takes the Vey...
news > news2 photos
Bugatti Releases Video of Grand Sport Vitesse
2012-04-13 15:41:36 Bugatti has produced a video promoting its Veyron Grand Sport Vitesse, which is the fastest open-top car in the worl...
news > news5 photos
Bugatti Paints Grand Sport Vitesse Blue and White, Calls It Special Edition
2012-08-20 13:21:37 Bugatti seems to think that it can slap a new coat of paint onto the {TOOLTIP|VERSION|47686|Veyr...
news > news5 photos
Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport Vitesse Officially Sets Record as Fastest Convertible
2013-04-11 17:48:05 Bugatti brought its Veyron Grand Sport Vitesse to the Ehra-Leissien test...
news > news5 photos
Bugatti reveals fifth Vitesse Bugatti Legend
2014-04-11 10:21:51 Bugatti has released the fifth of the six Bugatti Legend cars. The most recent special edition c...
news > news11 photos
Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport Vitesse is Fastest Roadster Ever
2012-03-06 19:41:31 How many more variations of the Veyron can Bugatti come up with. Regardless, it can now claim the mantle for the fas...
news > news18 photos
(1962, 1596cc, 71hp, 4 doors, Saloon (sedan) )
encyclopedia > Triumph > Vitesse Gen.1 > Version45 specs
series - (United Kingdom, 1962-1968)
encyclopedia > Triumph > Vitesse > Gen.12 versions
series - (United Kingdom, 1968-1971)
encyclopedia > Triumph > Vitesse > Gen.2