195 results for company

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De Lorean
The DeLorean Motor Company (DMC) was a British carmaker that only managed to be active for a quite short period of t...
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Moretti Motor Company was founded in 1925 by Giovanni Moretti in Turin, Italy. The company first manufactured  ...
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The Mitchell Motor Car Co, headquartered in Racine, was founded by Henry Mitchell and produced its first automobile ...
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The Sunbeam Motorcar Company Ltd has its roots in John Marston Co. Ltd, a company  founded by John Marston in W...
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  Bolwell is an Australian car company based in Victoria, Australia. The original company was formed in 19...
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As the 20th century turned, A. Tribelhorn & Company AG, of Feldbach launched an electric passenger car as compan...
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The American Automobile Company operated in Indianapolis, United States, from 1905 to 1914. American manufactured hi...
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Great Wall
Chinese car business Great Wall, also known as simply GW or GWM, is currently China’s largest independent auto...
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Healey Motor Company was found by Donald Mitchell Healey, in Warwick, U.K., in 1945, to build sports cars. In 1952 D...
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The history of Marmon goes back to 1851 when Daniel Marmon and Addison Nordyke, founded the Nordyke and Marmon Compa...
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Hillman-Coatalen Motor Car Company was established by  William Hillman and Louis Coatalen in Coventry,England,&...
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