77 results for s in Makes

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Scarab was founded by the millionaire Lance Reventlow in the United States of America. Reventlow started to build sp...
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Gebruder Stoewer, Fabrik fur Motorfahrzeugen  was founded by brothers, Emil and Bernhard Stoewer  in Stett...
encyclopedia > make1 models
Saker is a sports car’s constructor founded in 1992 by Bruce Turnbull. The company from New Zealand has been gain...
encyclopedia > make1 models
Spartan Cars was a british kit car manufacturer founded in 1973 by Jim McIntyre. In 1991 the company was taken over ...
encyclopedia > make1 models
encyclopedia > make1 models
SAIC Motor Corporation Ltd, based in in Shanghai, China, has its roots in Shanghai Automotive Company Ltd and Shanghai ...
encyclopedia > make2 models
Steyr was an Austrian automotive company founded in 1915, as a branch of Steyr Osterreichische Waffenfabriks-Gesells...
encyclopedia > make5 models
Scania-Vabis history goes back to 1907 when Peter Petersson, works manager steel company Surahammars Bruk, a steel comp...
encyclopedia > make1 models
SpadaConcept was established by Ercole Spada, Paolo Spada, Wojtek Sokolowski and Domiziano Boschi in Moncalieri, Italy,...
encyclopedia > make1 models
Spice Engineering was founded by Gordon Spice in 1984. It participated with success in the World Sportscar Champions...
encyclopedia > make1 models
Sunbeam-Talbots were rebadged Talbots, that started being produced in 1938. These vehicles were a combination of Hil...
encyclopedia > make6 models