165 results for motors

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(2009, 1051cc, 52hp, 4 doors, Van (double cab) )
encyclopedia > Martin Motors > Freedom > Version21 specs
model - (India, 2008-present)
encyclopedia > Force Motors > model5 versions
(2009, 2400cc, 127hp, 4 doors, Sport-utility vehicle )
encyclopedia > Martin Motors > CEO > Version30 specs
Renovo Motors
Renovo Motors is a Californian based car company founded in 2010 dedicated to manufacturing electric vehicles. The c...
encyclopedia > make1 models  |  5 photos
The Perana cars were built by Basil Green Motors Company headquartered in Johannesburg, South Africa. The company gave ...
encyclopedia > make1 models  |  8 photos
model - (Italy, 2009-present)
encyclopedia > Martin Motors > model2 versions
encyclopedia > Jiangling Motors > model
(2008, 2596cc, 2 doors, Van (panelvan) )
encyclopedia > Force Motors > Traveller > Version29 specs
Nash Motors was founded by Charles W. Nash in Kenosha, Wisconsin, USA, in 1916. In 1924 the company bought LaFayette...
encyclopedia > make6 models  |  5 photos
(2008, 2596cc, 2 doors, Van (panelvan) )
encyclopedia > Force Motors > Traveller > Version27 specs
Jiangling Motors
The JMC is a chinese car manufacturer also known as Landwind in other markets. The company founded in 1952 and headq...
encyclopedia > make4 models  |  1 photos