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model - (United Kingdom, 1954-1960)
encyclopedia > Standard Motor Company > model2 versions
Knox Automobile Company was established by Harry Austin Knox, in Springfield, Massachusetts, United States, in 1899....
encyclopedia > make1 models
(1937, 2686cc, 76hp, Saloon (sedan) )
encyclopedia > Standard Motor Company > model27 specs
(1954, 2092cc, 41hp, 4 doors, Saloon (sedan) )
encyclopedia > Standard Motor Company > Vanguard Gen.2 > Version38 specs
The Perana cars were built by Basil Green Motors Company headquartered in Johannesburg, South Africa. The company gave ...
encyclopedia > make1 models  |  8 photos
(1957, 1669cc, 61hp, 4 doors, Saloon (sedan) )
encyclopedia > Standard Motor Company > Vanguard Gen.3 > Version45 specs
International Harvester
International Harvester Company also known as IHC or IH was founded by Cyrus Hall McCormick in Chicago, back in 1847...
encyclopedia > make4 models  |  1 photos
(1961, 1998cc, 81hp, 4 doors, Saloon (sedan) )
encyclopedia > Standard Motor Company > Vanguard Gen.5 > Version46 specs
The Overland Automobile Company was established by Claude Cox in Terre Haute, Indiana, USA, in 1903. In 1905 the Com...
encyclopedia > make4 models  |  4 photos
HRG Engineering Company Ltd. was founded by Henry Ronald Godfrey, E.A. Halford and Guy Robins in Tolworth, Surrey, U...
encyclopedia > make4 models  |  2 photos
(1948, 2088cc, 69hp, 4 doors, Saloon (sedan) )
encyclopedia > Standard Motor Company > Vanguard Gen.1 > Version47 specs