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Cadillac looks back on over a century of history. The company was founded in 1902 and...

encyclopedia > make79 models  |  1234 photos  |  2 videos
Car paint jobsCar ads from the past (2 of 5)Car ads from the past (5 of 5)Car ads from the past (1 of 5)Car ads from the past (5 of 5)Car ads from the past (3 of 5)
Packard was founded by James Ward Packard in Warren, Ohio, in 1898, first under the name  the Ohio Automobile C...
encyclopedia > make22 models  |  458 photos
BMW M3 GT2 Art Car Jeff Koons
(2010, 3999cc, 485hp, 2 doors, Fixed-head coupé)
encyclopedia > BMW > 3 Series Gen.5 > Version9 photos
Auto-Union Type C Record Car
(1937, 6330cc, 545hp, Single Seater)
encyclopedia > Auto-Union > Type C > Version34 specs  |  1 photos
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Car Encyclopedia :: 61179 cars with pictures and specs
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Founded by Australian brothers Anthony, George and Gerry Khouri in 1986, Bufori is a manufacturer of exclusive handc...
encyclopedia > make7 models  |  101 photos
Fiat City Car Prototype
(1972, 2 doors, Fixed-head coupé)
encyclopedia > Fiat > model7 specs  |  1 photos
Mitsubishi Shogun Traffic Patrol car
encyclopedia > Mitsubishi > Shogun 3 > Version1 photos