15 results for auto in Makes

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Faralli & Mazzanti
Faralli & Mazzanti is a recently-founded Italian producer of custom-made vehicles. The carmaker is based in Pisa...
encyclopedia > make3 models  |  55 photos
Wiesmann is a German carmaker founded in 1985 by the Wiesmann brothers. Having Enzo Ferrari as role model, after his de...
encyclopedia > make3 models  |  105 photos

  The defunct German carmaker Auto-Union consisted on the merging of four p...

encyclopedia > make7 models  |  11 photos
Auto Nacional, S.A. was founded in 1953, in Spain, by José María Marcet Coll. The spanish entrepeneur ...
encyclopedia > make1 models  |  57 photos

Daewoo is a South Korean carmaker founded in 1967. Throughout the years, Daewoo had many...

encyclopedia > make17 models  |  38 photos
Grecav was founded in 1964 by Cav. Bruno Grespan, who is also the current president of the company. The Italian comp...
encyclopedia > make3 models  |  29 photos
Panoz was founded in 1989 by Dan Panoz, in the United States of America. Focusing on sports cars, Panoz models have ...
encyclopedia > make4 models  |  16 photos
  The Chinese car company BYD is a pretty recent car producer, as it was just established in 2003. BYD Auto is a...
encyclopedia > make3 models  |  9 photos
Siata (Societa Italiana Auto Trasformazioni Accessori)  founded by Giorgio Ambrosini in Turin, Italy, in 1926 t...
encyclopedia > make8 models  |  18 photos
Izhmash-Auto SOJSC  headquartered in Izhevsk,  Udmurt Republic, Russia,  has its roots far back in 1807,...
encyclopedia > make1 models