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24 Makes
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24 Makes
4 Models
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116 News
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Williams was founded in 1977 by Frank Williams and Patrick Head. It is one of the longest partnerships in motorsport...
encyclopedia > make37 models | 255 photos

Wiesmann is a German carmaker founded in 1985 by the Wiesmann brothers. Having Enzo Ferrari as role model, after his de...
encyclopedia > make3 models | 105 photos

The Overland Automobile Co. was founded by Claude E. Cox (designer and builder) and David M. Parry (financer) in Ind...
The Weber Sportscars is a division of Roman Weber GmbH and was established by Roman Weber in Tobel, Thurgau, Switzerlan...

Waaijenberg Mobiliteit B.V was founded in Veenendaal, Netherlands, in 1979. Their first first car was...