Volkswagen is the currently largest German producer of passenger cars. The company wa...
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In 1950 the Spanish institution “Instituto Nacional de Industria” (INI), ...
encyclopedia > make29 models | 2350 photos | 4 videos

Saab is a Swedish brand of automobiles that was established in the 1940’s as th...
encyclopedia > make28 models | 718 photos | 4 videos

Named after the designation given by Romans to the East-Central Europe, Dacia was fou...
encyclopedia > make11 models | 478 photos | 3 videos

The North American manufacturer of luxury cars Duesenberg produced vehicles between 1913 and 1937. It was originally...
encyclopedia > make3 models | 116 photos | 1 videos

2009-10-22 19:18:33
According to Daimler AG’s announcement on September 9th, the world leading car com...
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