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model - (Germany, 2002-present)
encyclopedia > Volkswagen > model2 series | 2 profiles | 144 photos

series - (Germany, 2009-present)
encyclopedia > Volkswagen > Touareg > Gen.250 versions | 1 profiles | 91 photos

2012-07-30 22:46:23
Rainer Zietlow, Vadim Gagarin, and Marius Biela have set off on a record-breaking journey in a slightly modifi...
news > news1 photos

2012-10-14 18:54:44
Volkswagen is celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Touareg with the Edi...
news > news5 photos

(2004, 2300cc, 231hp)
encyclopedia > Volkswagen > Touareg Gen.1 > Version3 photos